How long it takes to open a Company?

This is a difficult question to answer and, unfortunately, many other counters try to promote their business “decreasing the time” (Ex.: “Open your company 24 hours”) to win customer trust. But know that this is not entirely true. Why? look: from a technical point of view the company is open when it gets escrições in all relevant bodies (MY, CNPJ, State registration, Municipal registration), but from the point of view that we adopt in our office we are ready and open only when all permits are issued, the longer it takes, because, not depend solely on the office's efforts but tax visits (inspections).

Let us illustrate examples of setting up businesses: if you want to be an MEI – Micro individual entrepreneur, and its activities compatible (allowed by MEI), you can achieve the CNPJ on the same day through the Entrepreneur Portal. If your activity is to provide services so takes 02 a 03 days to Achieve Official number and Land Use at City Hall (I am referring to local municipalities), soon after these documents must be received to obtain the Municipal Register. Shortly thereafter, should proceed with the regularities in the fire department that will take some more 3 days if you already have the fire extinguisher and everything…

Considering these deadlines, MEI one takes about a week to be made (I am not speaking only of the MEI and CNPJ Certificate leaving on the same day). But that goes beyond: after it is an MEI and get these documents cited above, It must be brought into the operational license that devende Prefecture administrative procedures for obtaining.

Now a company that is not MEI? We stipulate a period of approximately two weeks, that after all the necessary documents are already in our hands. It does no good to promise one thing for the customer who can not meet! YOU CAN RELY ON OUR SERVICES!